The American Beagle

journey through america

Friendship, Journalism & Travel


At the age of 5, I fell out with my parents big time and was left with no option but to leave home. I could barely lift my father’s leather suitcase high enough but with my teddy, a packet of biscuits and a book, I set off to seek my fame and fortune on life’s highways and byways. Within 100 yards of my former family home, my father appeared and begged me to think again. I listened carefully to his presentation and after due reflection and having weighed up my options agreed to return home where my mother had a delicious Sunday roast waiting for me.

Ever since, the wanderlust has remained deep within, unabated and undimmed by the passage of time and expectations that I would settle down and do something useful with my life, I have resisted it all. I stand before you, broken, penniless and full of ambition to see more of the world, to meet diverse and interesting people, to record their stories and my observations.

As a teacher and priest I live in Southampton in the south of the UK and have three grown up children. There are miles on the clock but there are still miles to go, so pump up the tyres, tap the petrol gauge, unleash the volatile power of the Mercury Marquis Brougham engine and let’s hit the road!


Omne trium perfectum, “everything that comes in threes is perfect.” I have 3 brothers, 3 sisters, and 3 daughters. I have three grandsons and three granddaughters.

As a precisely placed middle child, I have always been drawn toward the equal precision represented by a prefect isosceles triangle. All good things for me have always come in threes. My very soul cries out toward that sense of perfect equality, balance, and fairness. My buddy Neville and I have now taken two adventurous journeys across North America. Some tales of these past adventures we may share here on this blog. I have also visited Neville in his homeland twice, adding much more color and balance to our tales. But, for me, the final legs of these completed pyramids of travel are still yet to be accomplished. Here on this blog, my goal will be to historically record our additional adventures, observations, and encounters as I endeavor to complete the most important journeys of all, the final completing legs. I may be in the sunset of my life, but I choose to ride off into that vermillion sunset like a fading wild west cowboy rather than like an old, gelded steer. From Arizona to … to be determined!

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Favourite photos from all our trips… And you can find more in the various posts!


We’ve been inspired to start this blog by lots of different sources, including:

  • Steinbeck’s – ‘Travels with Charley’

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