By Your Fire to Bide

By Your Fire to Bide

During our 1980 cross country hitch-hiking journey, my buddy Neville was very consistent in capturing dozens of signatures from all the drivers who stopped and offered two dusty and weary lads a lift. Neville’s tireless effort to record these taglines of our history has since become a highly treasured artifact for me. Being able to look back in time and view the many signatures of our numerous benefactors is a treasured keepsake. These maps have become a testament to the unwavering kindness of strangers that inhabit this great continent.

I recently spent some time reaching out via social media to the names etched onto Neville’s late 70’s era Rand McNally Road Map. My aim was to connect with any of the drivers who had stopped and offered a lift back during those adventurous journeys of our youth. Utilizing ‘Facebook Messenger’ and hoping that I might get lucky and connect with just a few of our kind benefactors, I reached out to dozens of potentially matching names. My primary goal was to interview some of the kind souls for the purposes of this blog, but certainly I also hoped to connect with them and thank them for their kindness.

There were various clues on the roadmap to guide me; besides the names themselves, there were general locations of where the original lift occurred, and there was the timeline associated with the dates of our journey. Neville had tried to numerate the signatures to provide sequencing for each.  I was also able to deduce that 44 years after the journey any drivers I contacted would need to be at least in their mid-60’s.  I was not looking for individuals matching the names for anyone younger than myself.

In addition to the general inquiry, I also included in my contact note the request that perhaps the names I was contacting might possibly be associated or related to the original driver (daughter, son, grandchild, etc.). So, by searching for the name and concentrating on specific profiles that generally matched the age and locations associated from the roadmaps, I reached out to multiple possible candidates.

Among dozens of inquiries, I received but two responses across all the legible names I could cypher. And after further discussion among the two respondents, the entire project proved fruitless; those two respondents turned out to not be among the thankless drivers from 44 years back behind us on the road. My unscientific search failed to reveal any of the kind souls who had helped us on our path.

I was therefore unsuccessful at interviewing any of our kind benefactors. Undaunted, I remain optimistic that someday stories or pictures on this blog may cross the path of one of the kind drivers who came across us in our journeys. I am a glass half full type of dude, after all. So, I post these verses in honor of the faceless (if not nameless) strangers who took a chance on two wandering strangers out on the road. Hopefully these lines help to express my gratitude directly to those generous and kind souls who stopped and offered us a lift. These verses could be applicable to all benevolent angels everywhere who have ever reached out with helping hands in kindness.

In a realm of solitude, white lines greeting the endless sky,
Amidst the vast expanse, under the burning sun's high,
You halted, a beacon of kindness, on the asphalt road,
Where hope flickered faintly, your generosity bestowed.

With a gentle offer, a lift in your care,
In that fleeting connection, a bond we did share.
Onward we journeyed, paths intertwined,
In one fleeting moment, your grace we did find.

In the tapestry of time, where memories align,
Your singular act of kindness, a treasure divine.
Our debts forever etched, in gratitude sublime,
For your selfless act, across grains of time.

The appearance of these signatures displayed here isn’t without some persistent hope; perhaps someday, someone will recognize these signatures and respond. Yet, hope’s melody often plays softly in the background, patient and serene. In the meantime, my gratitude towards all the benevolent strangers from my past must resonate more vibrantly, like the rhythmic beat of a drum. To those kind souls who stopped and aided us on our journey, thank you so very much for the kindness you have shown.

The Author – On the Road – 1979

Cheers, nca

20 responses to “By Your Fire to Bide”

  1. Tippy Gnu Avatar

    If you could make contact with a few of them, that would certainly make for a unique and fascinating blog post. I doubt I was one of them, because I’ve always been scared to death of picking up hitchhikers. Maybe I’ve seen too many crime shows. Good luck with your venture.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Chuckster Avatar

      I had very high hopes for one of the responders. He did pick up a few hitch-hikers back then. He was in Canada around that time, but one year off. So close! I still have hopes!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Helen Devries Avatar

    It’s great that you want to thank these chaps…that you’ve remembered their kindness over all these years.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Chuckster Avatar

      Indeed I do remember the kindness. I must confess that I am nowhere near as kind. So, I have curiosity too about what motivated their acts of kindness. Do you think by reaching out to them now, I am again appealing to their kindness to respond to my queries?

      Liked by 1 person

  3.  Avatar

    Very likely!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Sally Majors Avatar

    Well, Chuckster, it sounds like your quest was a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack, but hey, at least you found two hay straws willing to chat! Here’s to the kindness of strangers and the everlasting mystery of the open road. Keep spinning those tales, you never know who might stumble upon them next! 🚗🌟

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Chuckster Avatar

      Yes, ‘here is to the kindness of strangers’! Thanks for stopping by. In honor of St. Patrick, I leave you with this blessing: ‘best irish blessingsLEVERS2007//GETTY IMAGES
      May God grant you always…

      A sunbeam to warm you,

      A moonbeam to charm you,

      A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you.’

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sally Majors Avatar

        Thank you for the lovely Irish blessing! May those words resonate in our hearts, bringing warmth, charm, and protection to all who embrace them. Here’s to the kindness of strangers and the blessings they bring into our lives. Cheers, Chuckster! 🍀

        Liked by 1 person

  5. packstrap Avatar

    It was a long shot but worth it. It would be amazing to reconnect with your angels from so many years ago.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Chuckster Avatar

      There is probably a more reliable way to go about making the connection. And I did not spend a huge amount of time on the research, I was looking for a quick hit. But, it would have been so cool to actually connect to one or two of them. Yet, maybe I would honor the angels of my past better by ‘playing it forward’. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Neville Avatar

    I wonder if any are familiar with this Irish blessing?

    ’May the roads rise to meet you,

    May the wind be always at your back,

    May the rain fall soft upon your fields,

    And the sun shine warm upon your face,

    And until we meet again,

    May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Chuckster Avatar

      I wonder why an ‘Irish Blessing’ carries more spiritual girth than blessings from other cultures? I’ll have to ponder that! I think another culture given a mystic ‘edge’ here in America is Asian cultures like Japanese or Chinese. Anyway, the particular blessing you reference would seem to be particularly appropriate for the theme of our particular blog. Thanks for sharing it here in these comments. 🙏


  7. Words of Hope and Optimism Avatar

    Inspiring post, Chuckster! Your unwavering hope to reconnect with those kind souls from the past, despite the disappointment of not finding them, speaks volumes about the enduring power of human connection and the beauty of gratitude.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Chuckster Avatar

      There have been many ‘angels’ throughout my life, more of them that I could ever acknowledge; let alone repay. This blog is intended to be testament of ‘a deeper spirit within America’ as my blog buddy ‘Neville’ phrased it. There ARE kind spirits who travel our highways and deserve a spotlight, and if I can help focus that spotlight I will. Thank you kindly for commenting. Cheers!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Words of Hope and Optimism Avatar

        Wow! That’s truly inspiring, Chuckster! By the way, have you ever heard of the Universal Kindness Awards? It’s a chance to pay it forward and nominate the “angels” in your life to encourage kindness in our world. Nominating is free, so it’ll suit you best because you’ve mentioned so many angels in your life and you could nominate them all! Here’s to more positivity in our world!

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Azza El Wakeel Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your maps and telling us about those kind souls. I believe in karma, so I’m sure their kindness towards you and your friend was rewarded.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Chuckster Avatar

      I’d like to think that it was rewarded Azza El Wakeel. I too believe in karma, that acts of kindness are returned. Thank you for visiting and commenting! 🌷

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Dawn Pisturino Avatar

    Those were the days!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Chuckster Avatar



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